Barb over a bejeweled just had to show off her block, so I guess I will show what we did. This is what my daughter and I did over the weekend. We watched the tutorial from Missouri Star Quilt Co and daughter #4 got the bug so we used a layer cake Pheasant Hill by Kansas Troubles Quilters from Moda.
The above is the stack of hour glass blocks and below is the stack of finished blocks, Bet you cant guess which is larger? Daughter #4 said if I did 7 a night I could get it finished by the weekend. Of course she went home and left them for me to do. She is planning on doing a red white and blue one.
These are great fun and relatively easy. To enjoy the tutorial click on Missouri above. Just squeeze it in between working all day and yard work in the evening. You know you want to besides it is to hot to sleep but not to sew.