Here is my Whimsical project, it isn't wonky because no matter how I try I can't do wonky. It just is to hard for this analytical mind to handle. I might actually explode trying. I had some strips of Winter blues that weren't enough to make more than a table runner but oh they are pretty. Island Batik fabrics are so nice to work with. I love the designs and the colors and the feel. I have had so much fun being an ambassador and love seeing all the projects the other gals come up with. Having a monthly theme is a challenge but I have learned a lot. January's blog hop will be loads of fun so be sure to stop by. So stay tuned, there is more to come. I will post a schedule so you can hop to all the ambassadors sites and see the wonderful projects and beautiful fabrics.
This had to be put on the back burner because I had Christmas presents for the grandkids. I made pillow cases for some of the distant ones but I made pocket pillows for the 13 that live close. Gave them a flashlight and a book.

I also, got a few projects that were almost done finished. I think I put binding on at least 5 quilts and pulled out some that need quilting with the intention of putting them on the frame, needless to say they are still waiting. I did have a nice productive vacation besides the trips to see the grandkids. Then after I got all that sewing done I couldn't take the mess in my sewing room, so I cleaned and rearranged so that I could move around better. I feel much better and now I am ready to tackle some bigger projects.One of which is Island Batiks January Getaway Blog Hop with my surprise fabric.