It was a very simple pattern that I designed as I went. Take 27 five inch squares and sew them together into 3 nine patches and then cut them though the middle both ways (disappearing nine patch, there are tutorials on you tube). Arrange them into two rows with a black strip through the middle. Iron fusible onto enough 5 inch squares to cut out leaves. I used my GO cutter. Iron them onto the runner. Then I did the easy technique for putting the backing on where it ends up on the front for the outside border (self binding baby blanket, Missouri Star quilt co has a tutorial). I love this technique and use it for small projects when I don't want to have to fool with a binding.
Batiks make for wonderful projects and I love accenting them with black because it makes them pop.
Fall is a busy time if you are into canning and gardening beside all the other day to day to day stuff like work, school, kids, grand-kids and so on. But on the brighter side it will all wind down and there will be a small window of time that sewing can be done without feeling guilty and then.... the holidays hit and life gets hectic. I think maybe I need to start on my Christmas presents now. I have good intentions but you know what they say the path to ...... is paved with good intentions.
Happy Sabbath.