That was at the beginning of June and here it is the end of July. July was filled with company and grandkids. I did manage to fit in a little quilting and we did a little quilting while company was here.
These are blocks for the family quilt group. D2 did the first two blocks D1inlaw did the 3rd one and I did the last one. Forgot to take pictures of the ones that D1 did.
We did a lot of swimming, crafts and watching movies while the kids were here. In the first picture the five were here for a week and they cleaned up nicely to go to church. Even held semi still to take a picture.
We went to the surf n slide and the kids loved the lazy river.
They were glued to a movie, you would think that they would sit to watch but I am not sure some of them can sit that long. See the tye dyed shirts, they had a blast doing them and us adults had colored hands for a few days. such a busy couple of weeks but it was fun to have them around and hopefully they enjoyed their stay at grandmas. Would have been more enjoyable if it hadn't ended up being the hotest week of the summer. So much for family fun, till next summer, school starts soon for some of them.