Because I got side tracked on the next family quilt block that is due in March. Everyone else in the family said they had already done their block so I had to do mine(cant be the last one done). It is done but not squared up, I am going to let the person getting it do that so they can match the others. You can find the tutorial here at LaineyBug Designs. It turned out rather cute. A little side note it does have a y seam.
Well I also have a crochet project I am working on and I realized that I had picked up the wrong crochet hook smaller of course, so I had to take out a whole bunch of rows.
Then I have been working on this weaving project just to try out the loom and to try and figure out how the foot pedals work and what they control. I think I loaded a couple of the strands wrong but oh well it is just practice. I don't think I should quit my day job just yet;)
I am pooped, I did some laundry, dishes, cooked two meals and took a little nap. I think I will have to go back to work to get some rest. You know how us government workers are, we just sleep all day;)
I love my days off especially the extra ones like today. Thanks for stopping by.