I have 2 winners for the New Beginnings Bog Hop
Thank you for being so patient with me. I was out of data for the month of January. It has been a frustration since I have moved here 2 years ago. We finally upped our plan so hopefully I wont be in such a data pinch at the end of every month.
Congrats to Nancy (SewGirl) and Beth who have won my blog hop giveaway and will receive a kit for the Oklahoma Twister Wall Hanging that I made last month. Here is the white version. By the way those aren't my feet. If you would like a kit I am selling them at
Inchworm Fabrics.com.
I am so ready for winter to be over with. I am tired of the 35 mile commute in the snow and the 10 minute walk after I get there. Here is a picture of my early morning walk from the parking lot to the building that I work in. It may be pretty but it is cold and icy.
Last weekend the weather cooperated and wasn't to bad so we went and helped the youngest daughter and family move (Clarkston area). Yes, in the middle of winter, 4 truck loads and 2 days. This weekend we had a little sunshine, so we drove a couple of hours to see a grandson get baptized. Made it back home and it is raining on the snow. What a crazy winter it has been. Be safe and stay warm.