Two of my girls and I went to this quilt show. I forgot my camera. Then remembered I have a phone that takes pictures. I go to take pictures and it says that I dont have enough room, what luck right, well they had nice comfy couches, so I sat down and proceeded to delete pictures from 2 trips that I took (didn't delete the grandkids). I then had enough room to take pictures. I guess you can see where my priorities are ;) I took more than I have loaded and took more than I got saved (I would forget to press the save button, learning curve, give an old lady a little slack). Some are close ups where I tried to get the quilting detail or the block design. We had fun and walked till our feet hurt and our bellly's were grumbling from hunger. Then we went to lunch at 2, thought we would go to Red Robin and it was packed to the gills with a long wait. We were famished, so we went across the road to Quiznos, no wait there, enjoyed it just the same. I hope you enjoy the beautiful designs and forgive my shaky hands.