Here is my progress so far.
There are three strips. The dark is 3.5 and the medium and light are 2.5. I sewed them all together. The book has smaller strips but I didn't want to take foreverrrrrr to make a king sized quilt. Then they had to be starched and ironed so they would hold their shape after they are cut.
The book uses a special triangle ruler which I didn't have so I used my flip set ruler instead and it worked perfect.I got 4 triangles and sometimes 5 out of every strip set. One set has the dark on the bottom and one has the light on the bottom. So now I have two piles.
This is from one strip, 2 halves of a block.
Here are the finished blocks. One dark and one light.
Well those are the two blocks, easy peasy. Hope you enjoyed the quick tutorial. Now I have all the rest to sew. That stack of triangles aren't going to sew themselves. So back to the grind stone. Happy quilting all.
P.S. I have added new fabric to the store, some new precuts from Riley Blake. I would love for you to take a look. I look everyday and they sure are pretty and I will share.............for a price. HA