It is hard to believe it is May already. I have been busy but I keep forgetting to take pictures.
I have a co-worker who keeps bringing in these cute ideas for me to do. I told her she was barred from coming into my office. She showed me some aprons made from kitchen towels, so I went home and made one. Brought it to work and another co-worker bought it on the spot. No picture.
I quilted a baby quilt that my daughter made for her boss but while it was on the frame the baby came, so when I got it done I stuffed it in a flat rate box and sent it. No picture.
Said co-worker wanted to see if I could make a pillow case dress. Well of course I can so I come home when I should be cleaning or gardening and of course I make said dress but guess what? I do have a picture. I didn't have a pillow case so I made one out of Riley Blakes 'Indian Summer' fabric and then made the dress. Turned out cute, so now what? I don't have a grand daughter who can wear it. Hummmm.....another co-worker showed me that there is a charity that takes pillow case dresses to send to Africa.
"Little Dresses for Africa"
Fun, easy and greatly appreciated.