I thought I would show some non quilt gifts
I have talented sons and son-in-laws also. They are into wood working. My oldest son is remodeling his kitchen and making all the cabinets. I will have to post a picture when he gets it completed. He has been working for months on them and says he may be able to install them in March.
I talked my husband into making some Taylor's Clappers for gifts this year and I made a case for them.

My oldest daughter who quilts, her husband was always giving her a hard time about how much time and money she spent and she was always lamenting that he needed a hobby. Well she got her wish, he has found one and now he spends time and money...haha.. careful what you wish for. Here are some band saw boxes that he made for gifts. He did such a fantastic job. They are solid pieces of wood glued together and then cut out to form the drawers. It is amazing what people have made. If you have never seen these before you will have to google them.

I love seeing the things that other people create. It makes me wish I could work with wood but everyone has their own talent and I will stick with the ones that I have.
Enjoy the rest of 2020 and here's hoping for a better 2021.