I have been busy trying to keep up with the lawn, garden and flowers besides working 40 hours a week. It seems like no matter how much I do there is always more waiting. Last week because of the fires here in Washington we were without power for 6 days. Nothing like a reality check to make you realize how good life is. No whining here.
I have worked on a few projects with Barb from Bejeweled Quilts, but I am not as fast as she is in getting them done. We have done a couple of quilts, one needs a binding and the other needs borders quilting and binding. But our latest project was/is a tuffet. Mine is not quite done, it looks like a deflated balloon right now. I am in the process of staining the feet, I should be able to put it together tomorrow after the feet are dry. I cant wait to get it done.

I have added a lot of new fabrics to the store. A huge selection of Java Batiks, some American made solids and some fun fat quarter bundles from Riley Blake. I would love it if you would take a moment and check it out at Inchworm Fabrics. Have a great day.