This months Island Batik challenge was a secondary pattern and I used Surf and Sand, also, I used a tutorial from Missouri Star called two step. The strip set made a nice twin size quilt.
This has been a long July and I have had that quilt on the frame the whole month. I just finished it today after riding my bike 17 miles on the Hiawatha trail yesterday. My kids said it was all down hill and it was but I realized half way through the first railroad tunnel that am not in shape for a ride that long. I made it and I am alive to tell about it. I think I can find a good use for that bike......sell it and buy fabric.

At the beginning of the month I received my bi-yearly package from Island Batik with the fabric that they give me to make the challenge quilts that I make for them every month. It is so much fun to get the package and see all the beautiful fabric and come up with a creative way to use them. They also send one surprise package that I will get to use in the January blog hop. I received some aurfil thread and some hobbs batting. It is so much fun and challenging to be an ambassador but I love it.