I sure needed a day off. They don't come around often enough. There is so much I would like to do, I don't know where to start. So I decided to get some of the quilt tops that have been piling up around here, quilted so that I could send them back to their creator for binding and giving. These 3 belong to Jennifer and I believe I have at least 4 more that she has so thoughtfully contributed to my own collection of unfinished quilt tops, which I have no idea how many and don't really want to know. But alas, I am out of business for the rest of the day. I ran out of batting and it wasn't in my schedule to go to town, I live out in the country. So I guess I will have to do something constructive like, cleaning and maybe cooking. Yes, I know that there are other things more fun but.............someone needs to do it and I looked around and all my helpers have grown up and left the nest. What is with that? You just get them trained and life is good, next thing you know they are leaving like rats off a sinking ship. But someone said that they do come back but with reinforcments. Boy do I love those reinforcements.
Have a great Presidents Day.